Effects of drying process on total phenolics, and flavonoids content of thyme vulgaris extract.
Title Effects of drying process on total phenolics, and flavonoids content of thyme vulgaris extract.
Authors Rita Mansour.
Source title International Journal of ChemTech Research
ISSN ISSN: 0974-4290
Q Q4


Abstract The present study investigated the changes in total phenols (TPC), flavonoids (FC) content of thyme vulgaris ( in Continuous infusion, Infusion (without boiling)) after three drying (air-shade, air sun and oven-drying) and compared to fresh. The Folin-Ciocalteu method was used to determine TPC, while FC was determined by the aluminum chloride method. . The results showed that total phenolics and flavonoids in continuous infusion are higher than infusion without boiling. Fresh thyme have the highest contents of total phenolics (291.23,322.12 mg GAE/100 g) and flavonoids (210.11, 296.22 mg QE/ 100 g ), whereas the lowest levels were found in oven dried (200.10, 231.30 mg GAE/100 g ,100.11, 111.42 mg QE/100g ). Dry processing significantly decreased the phytochemical contents of thyme . The air shade drying contained more total phenolics, and flavonoids than air –sun drying of thyme

عداد الزوار / 728037 /