This current study aimed to (i) evaluate the soil and plant pollution by heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Cd, Co), to (ii) investigate certain physical and chemical properties of the soil at the southern entrance to Homs Governorate, and to (iii) examine the effect of prevailing wind on the spatial distribution of studied metals Pb, Ni, Cd, and Co on both sides of the Damascus - Homas highway. The results showed that the soil contains different concetrations of investigates metals particularly the Pb and Ni, but these concetrations were within normal range. The Pb and Ni concentration on the east side of the highway was higher than that of the west side. Pb concentration was about 10.1 ppm as average on the east side, but it went down to 5.22 on the west side. On the east side of the highway, the Pb concentration increases as the distance from the highway increases. This concentration increasesd from 8.9 to 12.14 ppm a 1800 m away from the highway. Whereas, on the west side, the Pb- highest concentration (6.5 ppm) was found at the nearest point to the highway. Similarly, Ni concentration increased as the dictance from the highway increased, it increased from 0.77 to 1.15 ppm on the east side. Wheras, no difference in the Ni concentration was found on the west side of the highway. Our findings showed also that Cd and Co concentrations increased with increasing the distance from the highway.these concentrations inceased from 0.02 to 0.16 ppm and from 0.2 to 0.43 ppm for Cd and Co respectively. However, the Pb plant-deposited was higher in the west side compared with the east one; it was about 0.78 ppm as average of all values and about 0.31 ppm on the east side. But the plant-deposited was very small and it was 0.007 ppm. Moreover, a positive and signifficient (p=0.01) relationship with r= 0.54 was observed between Pb amount and soil clay content. Similar relationships were also found between Pb amount and soil content of silt+clay, and between Pb amount and (clay/ organic matter) ratio with p=0.0102, r=56 and p= 0.008, r=0.57 respectively. Also, a positive, signifficient (p=0.0162), r=0.53, relationship was observed between Ni-soil amount and (clay/sand+silt) ratio.
Keywords: Pollution, Heavy metals, Lead, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel.