Instructions for Authors


The technical program of the conference will include regular and special sessions papers. Please submit full draft papers in PDF format directly through the email below by the given deadline, for consideration for inclusion in the relevant category (special/regular paper).

Authors are invited to submit their papers in PDF format using the paper-style format templates. Complete papers can be up to 12 pages long. Extended posters and abstracts can be up to two pages long. Articles submitted for inclusion in the conference will be reviewed by professionals in the field prior to acceptance, and all accepted papers (subject to registration) will be published in the conference proceedings. A selection of papers will also be recommended for potential publication in one of Damascus University Journals.


All papers will be peer-reviewed before acceptance, and all accepted papers (subject to registration) will be published in the conference proceedings.


Authors should follow these forms for their contributions: MS Word,   Templete.
Copyright form
The publication consent form must be signed by the authors of each paper, at least by the corresponding author, and collected electronically with the final version of the paper.
Oral presentation Guidelines and Time Plan:
Regular Presentations: Each regular presentation is allocated a period of 20 minutes, of which 15 minutes are for presentation, 3 minutes for discussion and 2 minutes for changing sessions.
Plenary presentations: 60 minutes are allocated for key presentations, of which 45 minutes are for presentation, up to 13 minutes for discussion and 2 minutes for changing sessions.