The Second Investment Conference in the Electricity Sector

The second investment conference in the electricity sector, organized by the Ministry of Electricity under the title "Investment in Renewable Energy and Electricity, the Engine of Sustainable Development in Syria", was launched at Damascus University Auditorium, in the presence of Minister of Electricity, Minister of Industry, representatives of diplomatic missions in Damascus, Governor of Damascus, President of Damascus University, and representatives of bodies, institutions and companies working in the field of renewable energy.


Over the course of two days, the participants discussed several topics on legislative frameworks, investment opportunities in the field of renewable energies, mechanisms for financing investment projects, advantages and facilities granted in this field with a presentation of successful experiences in the field of renewable energies.


During the opening of the conference, Minister of Electricity Eng. Ghassan Al-Zamil stressed that 2024 is the year of investment in renewable energy, licensing and starting dozens of photovoltaic projects.


Secretary-General of the Arab Renewable Energy Authority, Eng. Mohammad Nawaf Al-Taani, praised Syria’s achievements in the field of sustainable development, especially renewable energy. He also explained that the Authority launched Amman Declaration for Peace and Sustainable Development, as there is no development without peace and regional cooperation, which makes Arab economic integration an absolute necessity for future generations.



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