Syrian Military Justice and the Role of Military Prosecution: A Training Workshop at the Faculty of Law

Organized by the Faculty of Law at Damascus University in cooperation with Syrian Military Judiciary Authority and the National Union of Syrian Students, “Syrian Military Justice and the Role of Military Prosecution” field training workshop has begun with the participation of professors at the Facility of Law and specialized judges in the field.


The training workshop includes several topics that focus on the organization of military prosecution, its departments, affiliation, and work, as well as its role in appeals, execution, connection with investigations, and other topics.


Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Sinan Ammar, explained that this is the eleventh workshop of the judiciary courses organized by the faculty's Professional Practice Office. He pointed out that what distinguishes this course from previous ones is the specialization in the field of military prosecution. He also indicated that the number of trainees reached about 75, including graduates, lawyers, and students who receive theoretical lectures and practical field practice, supervised by specialized judges for five days at the Military Judiciary Administration building.


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