A study highlights the Syrian experience in the field of supporting and embracing talent and creativity

Promoting education for gifted and highly capable students is essential for building a society focused on scientific knowledge. Syria has implemented various strategies and initiatives to identify, develop, and support the talents of gifted students, contributing to the enhancement of talent and creativity in the country.


A scientific research paper titled "Enriching Minds: The Gifted Education Landscape in the Syrian Arab Republic" was conducted collaboratively by Damascus University, Distinction and Creativity Agency, International Private University for Science and Technology, and the Lebanese University of Jinan. The research, conducted between 2009 and 2022, is unique as it transitions from theory to application.


The research project examines programs and institutions in Syria that support gifted students, focusing on the roles of key organizations like Distinction and Creativity Agency and the Syrian Scientific Competitions Department. It also evaluates initiatives such as the Syrian Science Olympiad and academic programs for gifted students, analyzing their impact on youth talent development in crisis-affected areas.


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