Program Description:


Erasmus Program is the European Union program for education, training, youth and sport.

The program aims at raising the capacity of higher education institutions at partner countries in the field of education, training, research, helping Youth to acquire new skills through studying and  training abroad, working on the development of human resources and strengthening the mutual understanding between peoples and the different cultures and civilizations


In the field of higher education Erasmus+ implements  the following actions:


Key Action 1 (KA1): This action focuses on learning mobility of individuals. This kind of mobility is regulated by partnership projects held between ERASMUS+  program countries and partner  countries


Key action 2 (KA2): This action focuses on raising the capacity building in the field of higher education to strengthen the process of modernization and internationalization of higher  education institutions and systems in the partner countries.


 Damascus University Participation  in ERASMUS+:


Damascus University has been a partner in ERASMUS+ Program since the year 2015. The cooperation within the abovementioned key actions  takes the following forms:
Damascus University signed partnership agreements with some European universities that won Erasmus+ KA107 projects. Under these projects Damascus University received ICM mobility grants for students  from all study cycles  ranging from 4 to 9 months. The university received also mobility grants for both academic &administrative staff for one- two week to conduct teaching and training activities.


ICM Projects in force:


Partner University                                                     Duration


Philipps University of Marburg, Germany                               2020-2023


University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain                        2019 -2022


Brandenburg University of Technology- Cottbus, Germany    2019-2022


 *  Damascus University is currently participating in the following three capacity building projects:


• MORALE: Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision: towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees (coordinator: Beirut Arab University, Lebanon).
• FREE: Female Academic Role Model Empowerment, Equality and sustainability at Universities in the southern Mediterranean Region (Coordinator: Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Spain).
• DIGIHEALTH: Innovative Digital skills and teaching methods for effective health education in Lebanon and Syria (coordinator: Linnaeus University, Sweden).


Closed Capacity Building projects:


• At-SGIRES: Advanced Teaching and Training on Smart grid and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy System.
• Development of Higher Education teaching modules on the Socioeconomics Impact of the Renewable Energy implementation.

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