The traffic hazards risk reduction using smart transportation and mobility systems: a case study on Damascus, Syria




Materials and Methods

Result and Discussions


Ghazal AL-OLABI, Hussain Aziz SALEH  


Robust traffic flow solutions in smart cities are safer, more efficient, cost-effective, and provide better transportation planning and management, etc. This paper reviews some regional and international experiences in the use of the smart transportation and mobility systems with an attempt to apply them practically in the city of Damascus. It discusses the status of the existing transportation and mobility systems, while conducting the analysis of traffic hazards and challenges in this city. It suggests a practical plan based on these experiences to transform Damascus into a city with smart transportation procedures and technologies. This improves the traffic process in line with the requirements and needs of Damascus, given that this smart transform of these systems is a continuous and sustainable process. The paper concludes with some useful outcomes in identifying the necessary tools and procedures that put this plan into practice with aim to reduce traffic hazards.

Keywords: Smart City, Traffic Hazards, Smart Parking, Smart Transportation Systems and Mobilit 


The Syrian capital Damascus witnesses a public transportation crisis, which poses a major problem for all economic and production sectors. The impacts of this crisis can be seen especially for the citizens when they go to work or return to their homes, as the buses being filled more than their capacity, and the gatherings of passengers in the bus stops to wait for their arrival as shown in Figure 1 [1]. In addition, Damascus city's air quality has severely deteriorated and it became loaded with high concentrations of sulphur and nitrogen oxides, etc., [2]. One of the main sources of air pollution includes the increase in the number of vehicles, and unsuitable infrastructure for absorbing this increased circulation on the national transportation network, etc. For example, the transport sector has caused around 70% of urban air pollution resulting in the high and dangerous incidence of respiratory diseases [2].


Figure 1. Traffic congestion and insufficient transportation in the streets of Damascus [1].

 This transportation crisis is constantly exacerbated by the ongoing war since March 2011 which coupled with unfair sanctions that has caused widespread damage to the natural resources and environment, educational and social system, industrial sites and the oil industry, critical infrastructure, and transportation system, etc., [3]. The transportation sector has severely damaged when its share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 57% in 2012 with further contraction estimated at 8.5 % in 2015. It has affected by looting and sequestration of private and public vehicles, the insecurity and physical risk of travel on public transport that restricted and reduced human travel, the damage of street lighting lamps and traffic lights, as well as damage to the layers of asphalt roads, etc. In addition, the attacks on trucks and convoys carrying commodities reduced the stock of transport, and combat around neighborhoods adjacent to airports caused a sharp reduction in air transport. Furthermore, the international sanctions reduced port activities as international trade was curtailed [4].
However, the transformation of existing Transportation and Mobility Systems (TMSs) of Damascus into a city with smart technologies requires a thorough research and careful analysis of the current and future situation, identifying strategies, objectives and operational plans to reach the desired results. This paper investigates the reality of the transportation sector in Damascus with aim to develop a practical plan for transforming the current TMSs into a city with Smart Transportation and Mobility Systems (STMSs) [5]. It concludes with some useful outcomes in identifying the necessary tools and procedures that put this plan into practice by making this city's transportation more convenient and safer, more cost-effective (for both the city and the individual). This plan formulated with defining its elements, basic objectives and operational steps that adopt some smart applications in line with the Damascus city's requirements, provided these applications will increase with time and needs [1].

 The current status of the TMSs in Damascus
With the spread and huge increase in the vehicles number in the Syrian cites (mainly in Damascus), the phenomenon of traffic jam has emerged which motivated the concerned authorities to work on finding appropriate solutions to solve this problem. These solutions based on the construction of many tunnels, bridges and wide streets, encouraging people to use public transportation, and strict application of the traffic law and regulations, etc. Accordingly, the deaths number decreased from 2,289 in 2009 to 2,118 in 2010, while the percentage of accidents per 100,000 vehicles decreased to 164.52 accidents and the number of injured people to 114.78 as shown in Figure 2. However, the digital transportation infrastructure was ignored when developing the transportation sector in which the transportation network can be upgraded using STMSs that can reduce travel and parking time by 50%, thus ensuring smooth and easy traffic that facilitate the traffic process [1, 2].
Figure 2. The transportation accidents in Syria during 2005-19 [1].
Although there were some initiatives in modernizing the Syrian transportation sector prior to this ongoing war, but still unfortunately lacking the smart traffic solutions that include practical features (e.g., traffic forecasting, analytics, traveler information and advisory services capable of enhancing the existing transportation system, etc.). The STMSs revolve around comprehensive connectivity, database access and decision support, efficient information transfer that aims to assist citizens across roads, highways and traffic lights, transportation management, vehicle and traffic control information system, etc. This paper, which is based on an MSc research project [1], could be considered as an applied analytical contribution to develop a practical plan for converting the current Damascus's transportation system into STMSs within the available possibilities. The stages of this plan carried out in several stages:
The Traffic Hazards Analysis
The implementation of STMSs in Damascus is very complex and suffers from many challenges at the several levels such as implementation, governance, management, and cooperation between citizens, etc. Other problems are the increase in the vehicles number, poor use of advanced technologies, poor planning, poor communication and coordination among authorities related to the transportation sector, and increased traffic problems such as congestion and the environmental pollution, etc. In this paper, these hazards and challenges that face Damascus in implementing STMSs were analyzed and identified, and some of them as follows:
•    The technology platforms that support STMSs require extensive wireless and wired coverage, millions of new cell towers, large numbers of sensors and traffic controllers, telecommunications systems with high transmission speeds, and computer servers and interfaces, etc. All these devices, which are effectively lacking in Damascus, require large spaces and create huge carbon emissions. They consume significant amounts of electricity that the country is currently experiencing. Therefore, enabling and sharing all these devices by thousands of different parties to communicate and link them together in one platform will create the biggest challenge in implementing STMSs effectively in Damascus.
•    There are huge amounts of data that have to be constantly collected, analyzed and shared among several relevant authorities. The infrastructure and physical resources required to deal with data process are not currently available in Damascus. This paper recommended creating IT platforms for collecting data and sharing it with the public to facilitate the process of collection and analysis.
•    The lack of scientific research that support the application of STMSs, and it recommended in this paper do not import ready-made STMSs and fully apply them, but rather to conduct appropriate studies that make STMSs compatible with the local situation and national needs [5, 6].
•    The lack of a legal and legislative framework that contributes to support the applications of the STMSs. It recommended to provide a legal, legislative environment that attracts international, regional and local investments to contribute to the development of STMSs.
•    Other obstacles such as: 1) The lack of awareness and societal culture in these STMSs and their application techniques, 2) The lack of advanced technologies and economic capacity to implement STMSs projects, 3) The need to rehabilitate war-damaged road networks that are not suitable for current use. 4) The software vulnerabilities inherent in the Internet of Things (IoT) devices that are often connected to the public networks [7]. Therefore, the IoT devices must be protected to prevent intrusions, and resilient to avoid disrupting vital services [4].
2. The possibility of the STMSs applications
The smart transformation of the current TMSs depends on several factors (e.g., the efficient consumption of energy and reducing emissions harmful to the environment, the transportation means should be safe with low cost, etc.). This practical plan has benefited from some regional and international experiences in developing the STMSs in Damascus, such as:
•    The Tokyo city's experience that based on the "Intelligent Bus Parking" project. It equipped with high-tech devices to improve passenger transportation, and ensure their comfort and safety. It included ventilation and air conditioning devices, Wi-Fi hotpots, smart display screens, Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices to regulate passengers boarding and disembarkation, sensors to measure the temperature of passengers before the automatically door opening in order to reduce the spread of Covid-19 infection [8, 9, 10]. This paper focused on applying the advantages of this experience in the public parks, especially in Al-Mowasat and Al-Mujtahid Hospitals, Schools, Damascus University, and Adra Industrial City, etc. [1] .
•    The Riyadh city's experience that taken from Philippines, and based on an "Automated Vertical Rotary Car Parking" System. It provides more places with less space and cost that is about 25% cheaper than the cost of building traditional parking. In addition to its resistance to an earthquake of 8.0 degrees, or strong winds at a speed of 300 km/h, it protects vehicles from weather conditions, theft, and vandalism, etc [11]. This paper concentrated on applying this system in places with limited space, especially in the Damascus center (e.g., Arnous Square in Al-Salihiya area), or near large malls (e.g., in the Al-Maliki or Kafer Sousa areas) [1].
•    The Korean experience that is based on a "Multifunctional Low-cost Smart Light Poles" project as shown in Figure 3. It exploits the small spaces available more efficiently, thus improving the civilized appearance and enhancing the safety and social welfare through supporting rescue efforts to reduce the risk of traffic hazards. It integrates several uses in one place such as traffic lights, environmental sensors, congestion meters, Wi-Fi hotspots, surveillance cameras, devices for detecting parking violations and bypasses, devices for charging electric vehicles and drones, etc. Currently, solar energy is used for night lighting in some main streets of Damascus (e.g., Al-Mazzeh Highway). This paper recommended taking advantages of the existing columns and installing other devices on them (e.g., cameras and congestion meters, etc.) [1].

3. The main elements of STMSs
They consist of smart bus stops, smart street lightings, smart infrastructure and roads, pedestrian and bicycle paths, tr
affic lights, and traffic violations control, etc. Some supporting STMSs applications that considered in this plan are as follows:
•    The infrastructure and smart maintenance road method that uses an Electronic Paving" system. It equipped with modern instruments linked with a geographical exploration device that scans the readiness of streets and potholes, if any. Then, it conducts an evaluation of the collected data and sorts them according to the used color ranging from the most dangerous to the least dangerous [1]. During the research conduction of this paper, some communications have made with the responsible officials of the Damascus Traffic Department, explaining the advantages of this method, and agreeing to hold a workshop in this regard when the time permits.
•    The enhancing traffic safety and reducing the pollution level by controlling the violations of "Traffic Rules" system (e.g., excessive speed, use of mobile phone, failure to use seat belts, etc.). The latest technology used in detecting and controlling traffic violations is "Doppler Radar" which is implemented in Sweden. It equipped with a three-dimensional device of eight lenses to photograph from several directions, and determining the cars speed and fining them if they cross the red light. Artificial pits placed in the road are also used which equipped with steel plates that move up and down according to the signals sent from this radar. If the speed limit is exceeded, these plates drop by several centimeters below the road surface, causing the car to vibrate noticeably, warning the driver to slow down and abide by the laws. Another device is the "Laser Speed Gun" that uses laser pulses to detect small and large trucks that exceed the limited speed. In this paper, short-term and long-term plans have considered to improve and develop the applications of this system in the Damascus city [1].
•    The traffic regulation system that determines the "right of way" or "priority of traffic" among vehicles and pedestrians when using roads with intersecting and overlapping lanes, thus avoiding problems, violations, and traffic accidents. This system includes organizing traffic operations based on the use of directional signs, roundabouts, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths and a pedestrian and bicycle detection system, etc.
•    The environmental, social and economic impacts reduction system of transportation problems through improving sustainable driving patterns, reducing tire friction, improving the walking and cycling environment, enhancing the role of public transportation, etc. Other used measures to reduce these impacts could be through imposing an environmental protection fee on violating vehicles, exempting environmentally friendly cars from environmental protection fees, encouraging walking and using bicycles or electric bicycles, installing devices to mitigate gases emitted in modern cars, and promoting shared mass transportation that equipped by AI techniques, etc. [7].
The Main Findings and Recommendations  
•    The STMSs importance for the Damascus city was discussed, and a practical plan was developed for implementing STMSs taking advantage of the regional and international experiences. The STMSs are the most efficient and effective tools for supporting a sustainable transport sector that provide comfort and safety for both vehicles and citizens.
•    The current situation of the TMSs in Damascus city evaluated and analysed with aim to develop short-term and long-term plans. The short-term plans aim to alleviate the fuel shortage crisis and the lack of passenger transportation, while, the long-term plans aim to support the process of improvement in line with international technological development.
•    Some alternative robust solutions proposed in order to improve traffic performance, and the obtained result is that despite the fact that these solutions are simple, but they are costly and require huge efforts. 
•    Raising the level of citizens' lifestyle as a result of the use of IoT, and this makes it easier for officials to make the decision-making process during the emergency response to any accident or traffic problem.
•    Encouraging the use of STMSs that reduce environmental pollution, and encourage investment in this field which provides job opportunities and advanced development projects. They may be of high cost, but in the long run they save time and effort, and ensure safety and comfort for citizens.
•    Developing the communications infrastructure using AI and geo-information technologies, and building an advanced highly reliable wireless network to provide continuous, effective and affordable services.
•    Allocating a special budget to add millions of new cell towers, and employing alternative energy sources instead of the electricity.
•    Providing a legal, legislative and investment environment with the aim to attract international, regional and local investments that contribute to the development of the STMSs and preserve the rights of investors.
•    Allocating an important part of governmental support to STMSs, and setting short- and long-term plans to improve and develop them in the Damascus city

The transportation sector represents a basic developmental pillar to achieve balance between the sectors of the national economy by meeting their transportation needs. This paper tried to achieve this purpose by studying this sector and planning it with respect to the other economic plans. These plans include solving complex transportation problems, securing ideal management and financial regulation, organizing the available road networks that contributes to determining people’s behaviour in mobility, supporting decision makers in formulating effective transportation policies on all the demographic, geographical, economic and environmental levels, etc. Moreover, it is logic that any technology has advantages and disadvantages, but smart cities will improve the quality of life by mitigating the effects of disasters and conserving the environment which make cities less crowded, less polluted and more suitable for safe living. Furthermore, smart citizens are the key to innovation and the focus of activity in any smart city, and, therefore, transforming Syrian cities into smarter ones must be shared by everyone and according to his/her capacity
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