Prof.Mohamad Osama Al-Jabban


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A dialogue symposium at the Faculty of Medicine to discuss mechanisms for improving the quality of education

 The Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University held an open dialogue symposium entitled “Improving the Quality of Education” in the presence of deans of medical faculties and their deputies, directors of educational hospitals, heads of departments in the Faculty of Medicine, professors, and graduate students.

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Highlights on the second day of the conference “Damascene Iris: Together to Preserve Our Identity and Natural Heritage” C

 The second day of the environmental conference, "The Damascene Iris: Together to Preserve Our Identity and Natural Heritage," which was sponsored by the Faculty of Science, Damascus University, saw sessions on environmentally friendly solutions to problems, endangered species and ways to protect them, and recording Syria's natural heritage.


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Activities of the first day of the environmental conference: “The Damascenea Iris, Together to Preserve Our Identity and Our Natural Heritage”

 The scientific sessions on the first day of “The Damascenea Iris, Together to Preserve Our Identity and Our Natural Heritage” conference focused on the biodiversity and the sustainable development,” during which researchers from inside and outside Syria presented several research papers and scientific lectures that shed light on diversity, biotechnology and its patterns and importance, the dangers and problems resulting from its loss, the contributions it makes to achieving sustainable development goals, the reality of natural reserves in Syria, and future prospects for their reconstruction.


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Start of the activities of “The Damascenea Iris Conference, Together to Preserve Our Identity and Our Natural Heritage”

 The activities of the environmental conference: “The Damascenea Iris, Together to Preserve Our Identity and Our Natural Heritage” was launched today. It is organized by the Faculty of Science, Damascus University, in celebration of the World Environment Day and the World Day of Biodiversity and Environment, and in cooperation with the National Union of Syrian Students and the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Arid Lands "ACSAD", in the presence of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Agriculture.

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