A lecture by the Ambassador of Argentine in Damascus within the workshop program of the Spanish Language Department at Damascus University

A lecture by the Ambassador of Argentine in Damascus within the workshop program of the Spanish Language Department at Damascus University

Within the workshop program entitled "Development of communicative skills and knowing  the culture of the Spanish-speaking countries", under the patronage of the University Presidency and in the presence of the university's Vice-president of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mayssa Sioufi, with number of the professors and members of the Spanish Department Council and lots of students, The Spanish Department received the Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina in Damascus, Mr. Sebastian Zavalla, and some of the embassy’s personnel on 12th of October 2021 at 10 a.m.
The Ambassador delivered a valuable lecture, included two documentaries and a presentation, in which he tackled several aspects such as culture, economy, politics, agriculture, literature and the Syrian immigrants in the Argentine Republic.


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